17 May Share your Brand Story Well
Storytelling is woven deeply into the fabric of what it means to be human. Since Eve coaxed Adam into taking a bite of that lush green apple (the verdicts still out on that one), it’s been our way of creating emotional bonds with one another through our vulnerable sharing. From this sharing and vulnerability, we creating a true connection with our fellow sojourners.
When done well, storytelling can grow your brand exponentially.
By sharing ‘why’ and ‘how’ your business came to be, what you were hoping to change in the world, why you created your product/service for your customers, in turn, you create a deep emotional connection with your target market which creates an innate desire within them to want to become a part of your brand experience because they resonate and connect with your purpose, your why, your reason for being. .
Defining and sharing your story can turn your brand into a legacy over just a product/service, it can increase your sales and win the loyalty and irrational love and loyalty of your customers and brand partners.
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